25 strangers

I had an assignment called 25 strangers..I could pick any kind of strangers I want. And since I had the access to it (thanks to k2! can you guess which one she is?), I chose to do 25 people who work at Google. It certainly is a different kind of experience, since I'm used to working with models who agreed and want their photos to be taken. I need to put my thick skin mode on and start saying "Hi, I'm an academy of art student and I'm working on this assignment called...." it gets pretty tiring after a while because some will politely say no and also since I try to get a variety of people, I need to wait for the right person. I feel like I'm a salesgirl trying to sell something. Took me 2.5 hrs to find 25 people...and I've never talked so much in my life within that timeframe! Thank you so much to K2 and Ashley that helped this student with her assignment!

I asked, "so...what do you think of Google?"

and here are their responses....

Aside from the pet owners (who could resist the dogs' expressions?), my favorite is the security guy cause I'm so used to getting kicked out of site by security guys.....haha......but this particular one is very friendly. He got a call when I asked him, and he said he'll come back for the portrait. Thank you mr. security guy!

I'm not surprised I got a lot of happy faces! I'm sure it's the happiest place on earth for adults ;)


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