The C Family | Bay Area Family In-Home Session

Let me introduce you to the Chius: a family of quintuplets. Just kidding. But, really. See for yourself. They all look like a big family of brothers and sisters, don't they?

I shot these during my spring break (which is definitely not a break at all) and it was definitely nice to be away from stressing to catch up with school work and actually enjoying time with a family. Editing these photos bring back memories of running around and non stop laughing, especially because Jacob loves the smell of stinky things so he kept on smelling Josiah's socks and would not let go of it even though his mom told him to stop (see below for yourself, absolutely worth the scroll haha).

Props to Jennifer for picking out the matching outfit: vests. The boys look very high class! And also props to her and Andrew for being awesome parents! Taking care of 3 boys is definitely NOT an easy job. Just being a photographer for 1-2 hours is already tiring enough for me, running around and being sweaty and all. Anyways, please take that image away from your head and enjoy these images instead :)


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