I was in the school's club called BADA, short for Bay Area Documentary Association (I seriously think we should change the name to BADASS..cause we are!). We had an exhibition at Rayko Gallery from June 18th till June 24th.

Here's more about the exhibition:

This exhibit is the work of 16 photographers who attend the Academy of Art University and are members of BADA. Curated by Darcy Padilla, "The Archives" is a collection of fleeting moments life presents that are often dismissed. Here, they are preserved for further contemplation in hopes that something greater can be revealed about our collective experience as human beings.

On the first opening night, I heard such a shocking and exciting news - one of my photos was sold!

It's one of the muni underground series I shot for my documentary class:

..there's nothing else I can say but Praise the Lord!

ps: if the buyer somewhere out there is reading this, please tell me who you are :)


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