The Byzantine Express

In my Fashion Details class, each of us (photographers) are supposed to partner up with a stylist for our shoots...and this is when I met the awesome Stephanie Vega. I still vividly remember meeting up at her house one night for the very first time, feeling very nervous, and had this image of a plump bonita opening the front my surprise, stephanie was goooooooorgeous..I mean, look at these pictures! We clicked on that first night and since then we've helped each other out on our assignments.

I've always wanted to ask her if she would be interested to be my model, to which one day she answered, "yes I will Inez, but I've never modeled before...and I'm a size 9, I'm not sure if I could fit these shoes," on the day that my model was 3 hrs late and I was soooo desperate (must've been the desperate tone that made her willing). This is actually the second time shooting her, we had a very interesting first shoot ;) . She's not the best model, we know that, even she herself is very aware of that, but this is usually what happens when we can't find models. We both tried our best, and in my opinion, it's not bad at all. This is for her assignment to style for Russian Vogue. Enjoy!


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