Harper's Bazaar

I got assigned to Harper's Bazaar on my Fashion Details class. We were supposed to analyze their target audience, the ads, the photographers, the stylists..mainly the spreads, and also "copy" their style of shooting. Harper's Bazaar is big on shooting on location, but they also have shoots in the studio as well. So I decided to shoot in the studio to be safe since it's rainy season in SF. It was a biggggg change for me since I always shoot on location. The model came in 3 hours late because she was stuck in the St. Patrick's parade traffic jam, I was about to cancel my studio since I didn't hear from her, my MUA cancelled the night before and I managed to get another MUA who was sick....LONG STORY SHORT: we managed to get some awesome shots! All 4 outfits done in less than an hour! An applause to my awesome team :)


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  1. Love the fashion spread! Where do you got the nude shoes from? uber cute <3


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